BESTrustees has announced that it has recruited its fourth new professional trustee in the last 12 months. Keith Burgess, a lawyer with over 30 years’ experience, joined the firm on 18 March.

Keith’s background is as a General Counsel and Company Secretary to listed plc boards, having originally qualified as a barrister. His career in business and in pensions has always been rooted in robust business and legal governance. He is fully up to date with the legal and regulatory developments for both DB and DC schemes and has recent experience of active engagement with the Pensions Regulator.

Keith is a General Counsel with financial training and a grasp of a wide range of regulatory issues from operating across an unusually wide variety of industries. As a former Company Secretary, Keith has an extensive background in senior remuneration and human resource practice, together with a thorough understanding of corporate pension schemes from the perspective of both scheme members and sponsoring employers.

“Keith is a great catch for our company and adds some excellent skills to the breadth of experience we already offer our clients. He comes with a great deal of pension trusteeship experience already and we look forward to further developing his trustee work. BESTrustees continues to grow even after a very successful year for us and capturing a professional of Keith’s calibre will ensure that trend continues in 2024 and beyond.”
Ann Rigby, Chair of BESTrustees

“Throughout my career, I have always had a strong involvement in pensions and have been a trustee of schemes where I worked. It seems a natural extension to use that experience now as a professional trustee and given BESTrustees’ growth in the last two years, I had no hesitation in joining at what is clearly a very exciting time for the company.”
Keith Burgess